
Are You Looking for a SMARTER Fundraiser?

Raising money for your nonprofit requires strategy in any year – especially this one.

Why not hold a unique, fun, and VIRTUAL fundraiser that donors from every income level can take part in?

What if …

? Your donors could make 100% of their transactions online during a virtual fundraiser?

? That fundraiser was a fun online version of a tried-and-true standard?

? Someone (other than you) handled all the setup details and gave you a complete step-by-step plan?

Remember the old-fashioned wall of envelopes, each marked with a number?  Donors selected an envelope and made a donation for that amount. Anyone could take part; donation amounts started,  literally, at $1. It was fun watching the envelopes turn – and your donations add up.

The Envelope Challenge is an online version of that popular paper envelope fundraiser. Envelopes are available for ‘sale’ on a secure website. You promote your Challenge on social media and email campaigns. We even give you suggested promotion scripts and an action plan!

Each envelope is worth the face value: for example, the 200th envelope is worth $200, the 10th envelope is worth $10.

? With a 150-envelope challenge, you can raise $11,325 (as recent client The Family Center did in less than three weeks – click to view their Envelope Challenge!)

?? With 200 envelopes, you can raise $20,100

??? And with 500 envelopes, you can raise $125,250!

You have less than 100 days until Giving Tuesday. It’s time to plan your campaign!

Can The Envelope Challenge be your answer for a better fundraiser?